Town Council

Cyngor Tref Pontyclun Town Council

Pontyclun Town Council was first formed in 1985 and consists of 11 elected Councillors .

It employs 5 members of staff and covers the Communities of Pontyclun, Groesfaen and Miskin.

The Councillors act on behalf of local people to try and preserve the best aspects of the town and surrounding villages, while also encouraging and supporting developments that will benefit the whole community.

The Council is funded by a precept, which is raised from a tax paid by all householders.
A proportion of this precept is used to provide grant funding for causes or projects that are for the common good of the residents of the area.

More information and news about our events and others in the community can be found in the Council’s social media

The Council has a strategy and has agreed the following mission statement.

‘Pontyclun Town Council will work with residents and their organisations to ensure an active, lively and successful future for the communities of Pontyclun.’

The strategic objectives for the Council are as follows

  1. We will foster and support community engagement to ensure that the actions of the Council are transparent and accountable
  2. We will administer the Council and its activities to ensure that residents get good value from the Council
  3. We will take action with other agencies to improve the economic well being of the residents, community, services and businesses
  4. We will take action to work with other organisations to improve the physical environment of the community
  5. We will promote the well being of the residents and develop initiatives that will foster community cohesion and social inclusion through social and cultural activities.